Всесвітня військова енциклопедія
> Нашивки
> Нарукавні нашивки Сухопутних військ
> Піхота
> US-INPTUS-00041
Нарукавний знак 44 піхотної дивізії СВ США
Петличная эмблема медицинской службы Королевских сухопутных сил Нидерландов
Pilots Qualification badge of the Lithuanian Air Force. Model 2, Gold
Нарукавний знак Тренувальної місії НАТО в Афганістані
Змінити інформацію
Two blue figure 4’s back to back on a golden orange circular background 2 inches (5.08 cm) in diameter within a blue border 1/4 inch (.64 cm) in width. The horizontal and diagonal lines of the 4’s 1/4 inch (.64 cm) in width, the vertical stalk of the 4’s 5/16 inch (.79 cm) in width.
The colors are flag blue and golden orange. These were the colors of the House of Nassau under which the Dutch settled what is now New York and New Jersey. These colors were chosen because the Division was formed from units located in this area. The two “4s” represent the unit’s numerical designation.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 5 October 1921. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-108)
Two blue figure 4’s back to back on a golden orange circular background 2 inches (5.08 cm) in diameter within a blue border 1/4 inch (.64 cm) in width. The horizontal and diagonal lines of the 4’s 1/4 inch (.64 cm) in width, the vertical stalk of the 4’s 5/16 inch (.79 cm) in width.
The colors are flag blue and golden orange. These were the colors of the House of Nassau under which the Dutch settled what is now New York and New Jersey. These colors were chosen because the Division was formed from units located in this area. The two “4s” represent the unit’s numerical designation.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 5 October 1921. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-108)