Всесвітня військова енциклопедія
> Нашивки
> Нарукавні нашивки Сухопутних військ
> Піхота
> US-INPTUS-00020

Нарукавний знак 27 бригадної тактичної групи СВ США

Badge of the Department of Border Protection Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

Patch 137 Guards airborne Kuban Cossack regiment of the Order of the Red Star 106 Guards Airborne Russia

BW кокарда на берет «Артилерія» ЗС Німеччини
Змінити інформацію
On a black disc with a 1/8 inch (.32cm) black border, 2 1/2 inches (6.35cm) in diameter overall, the constellation Orion of seven stars superimposed by a stylized conjoined “NY” within a circle, all red.
The letters “NY” in the form of a monogram represent the state of New York. The seven stars suggest the constellation of Orion.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally authorized for the 27th Infantry Division on 29 October 1918. On 4 May 1986, the description was revised and the insignia redesignated for the 27th Infantry Brigade, New York Army National Guard. The insignia was redesignated for the 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and amended to update the description and add a symbolism on 1 August 2007. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-718)
On a black disc with a 1/8 inch (.32cm) black border, 2 1/2 inches (6.35cm) in diameter overall, the constellation Orion of seven stars superimposed by a stylized conjoined “NY” within a circle, all red.
The letters “NY” in the form of a monogram represent the state of New York. The seven stars suggest the constellation of Orion.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally authorized for the 27th Infantry Division on 29 October 1918. On 4 May 1986, the description was revised and the insignia redesignated for the 27th Infantry Brigade, New York Army National Guard. The insignia was redesignated for the 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and amended to update the description and add a symbolism on 1 August 2007. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-718)
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