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Нарукавний знак 89-ї бригади бойового забезпечення та тилу СВ США

Змінити інформацію
On a blue disc 1 5/8 inches (4.13 cm) in diameter and within a white annulet 3/16 inches (.48 cm) in width a white letter "W" formed of curved lines 3/16 (.48 cm) in width and joining the annulet, all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) red border. The overall dimension is 2 1/4 inches (5.72 cm) in diameter.

Red, white, and blue are the national colors. The stylized “W” which when reversed becomes an “M,” refers to this Division, known in the past as the “Middle West Division,” since many of its personnel came from the Midwestern states.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the 89th Division on 25 October 1918 by telegram but not officially announced by the War Department until 23 June 1922. It was amended on 21 December 1948, to change the colors and reword the measurements. The insignia was approved for the 89th U.S. Army Reserve Command on 26 July 1974. On 16 April 1996, the insignia was reassigned and approved for the 89th Regional Support Command. It was redesignated effective 16 July 2003, for the US Army 89th Regional Readiness Command. The insignia was redesignated effective 16 September 2009, for the 89th Sustainment Brigade and amended to add a symbolism.

Ще з цієї категорії: Підрозділи бойового забезпечення і тилу

Нарукавний знак 21-го командування бойового забезпечення та тилу СВ США Нарукавний знак 369-ї бригади бойового забезпечення та тилу СВ США Нарукавний знак 77-ї бригади бойового забезпечення та тилу СВ США Нарукавний знак 15-ї бригади бойового забезпечення та тилу СВ США Нарукавний знак 3-ї бригади бойового забезпечення та тилу СВ США
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