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Нарукавний знак 1108 бригади зв'язку СВ США

Змінити інформацію
On a rectangle arced at the top and bottom with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) black border, 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 2 inches (5.08) in width overall, divided horizontally orange above white by a black horizontal bar, at top a blue sphere outlined and gridlined yellow and at bottom two black flashes issuing from either corner and converging at center forming a yellow arrow.

Orange and white are the colors traditionally associated with the signal corps. Black represents strength, solidity, and determination. Black and white allude to day and night preparedness and operations. The globe indicates the worldwide impact of the unit’s mission. The two flashes converging at center with a horizontal bar suggest a fulcrum or balance scale, denoting the melding of strategic and tactical communications support for the war fighter. The peak of the arrow formed by the two flashes symbolizes the highest standard of operational readiness maintained by the command.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on July 7, 1995.

Ще з цієї категорії: Війська зв'язку

Нарукавний знак 1107 бригади зв'язку СВ США Нарукавний знак 311 командування військ зв'язку СВ США Нарукавний знак 1101 бригади зв'язку СВ США Нарукавний знак 505 бригади зв'язку СВ США Нарукавный знак 106 бригади зв'язку СВ США
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