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Нарукавний знак 1-ої інженерної бригади СВ США

Змінити інформацію
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

On a blue rectangular background with a rounded top, 3 1/8 inches (7.94 cm) in width and 3 1/4 inches (8.26 cm) in height, a modern anchor palewise behind a sub-machine gun fesswise on which is perched an eagle with wings displayed and inverted all in golden yellow.

The design was based on the design of the British Combined Operations patch which was worn by commandos, landing craft personnel, and others.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the Engineer Amphibian Units on 17 June 1942. It was redesignated for all Army personnel assigned to the following amphibian units: Amphibian Tank Battalions; Amphibian Tractor Battalions; Engineer Amphibian Units; Joint Assault Signal Companies; Headquarters Ships Detachments (Type A); Headquarters Ships Detachment (Type B); Headquarters Section (Army); and Amphibian Training Command - Pacific Fleet on 10 June 1944. The insignia was redesignated for the 1st Engineer Brigade and amended to update the description and add a symbolism on 20 July 2007. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-263)

Ще з цієї категорії: Інженерні війська

Нарукавний знак 9 командування інженерних військ СВ США Нарукавний знак 16 інженерної бригади СВ США Нарукавний знак 18 інженерної бригади СВ США 117th Engineer Brigade Нарукавний знак 7-й Інженерної бригади Сухопутних військ США
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