Всесвітня військова енциклопедія
> Нашивки
> Нарукавні нашивки Сухопутних військ
> Бронекавалерія
> US-ACBFP-00011
Нарукавний знак 11-го бронекавалерійського полку СВ США
Емблема на берет Гуманістичного наставника Королівських Збройних Сил Нідерландів
Кокарда знак на берет Дирского Скаутского полка пограничного корпуса
Patch of a military unit 59946 Russian Space Forces
Змінити інформацію
On a shield 2 3/4 inches (6.99 cm) in width overall divided diagonally from upper right to lower left, the upper portion red and the lower portion white, a rearing black horse facing to the left all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) black border.
The colors red and white are the traditional Cavalry colors and the rearing black horse alludes to the “Black Horse” nickname of the 11th Armored Cavalry.
This insignia was approved on 1 May 1967. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-451)
On a shield 2 3/4 inches (6.99 cm) in width overall divided diagonally from upper right to lower left, the upper portion red and the lower portion white, a rearing black horse facing to the left all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) black border.
The colors red and white are the traditional Cavalry colors and the rearing black horse alludes to the “Black Horse” nickname of the 11th Armored Cavalry.
This insignia was approved on 1 May 1967. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-451)