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Нарукавний знак 3-го бронекавалерійського полку СВ США

Змінити інформацію
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

On a green disc with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) yellow border 2 3/4 inches (6.99 cm) in diameter overall, a yellow trumpet bound with a gray cord and with mouthpiece up in front of and extending above a green scroll of three loops edged in yellow and bearing in gray letters the word “Brave” to the left of the trumpet and the word “Rifles” to the right of the trumpet and the numeral “3” also in gray immediately below the trumpet bell.

The device on the disc is similar to the Regiment’s distinctive insignia. The color green and yellow (gold) trumpet refer to the organization of the Regiment in 1846 as the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen with uniform facings of green and an insignia consisting of a gold trumpet. The words “Brave Rifles” are from the accolade given the Regiment by General Winfield Scott, Commanding General of the Army, for its action at Chapultepec during the Mexican War and the gray color of the letters and numerical designation in simulating the color of steel allude to the Regimental Motto “Blood and Steel” which was derived from the same accolade (“Brave Rifles! Veterans! You have been baptized in fire and blood and have come out steel.”) The shoulder sleeve insignia has been worn by the Regiment since 1944, when it was recognized for wear by General George S. Patton, Commanding General, Third United States Army and 28th Colonel of Regiment, 1938-1940.

The insignia was originally approved for the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment on 12 June 1967. It was redesignated effective 16 November 2011, for the 3d Cavalry Regiment with the description updated. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-458)

Ще з цієї категорії: Бронекавалерія

Нарукавний знак 21-ої кавалерійської дивізії Сухопутних військ США Нарукавний знак 6-го бронекавалерійського полку СВ США Нарукавний знак 2-го бронекавалерійського полку Нарукавный знак 66-ой кавалерийской дивизии Сухопутных войск США. Нарукавний знак 14-го бронекавалерійського полку СВ США
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