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6Б47 helmet

Змінити інформацію
This helmet is the most recent adopted by the armed forces of the Russian federation. An attempt to design a more modern piece than its western competitors, 6Б47 goes ahead and integrates directly into the shell a mount for night vision goggles and a picattiny standard rail on the left side, similar to features seen in commercial western offerings like F.A.S.T. helmets. The polyaramide shell offers level II equivalent ballistic protection at a very light weight. However, all of the modernity present on the shell is not followed on the suspension system, which is quite primitive. This measure is probably what gives it its very low cost compared to competitors, and is at least easy to repair.
Example depicted with issued 6Б50 ballistic goggles and фсс-14 headlamp.

Ще з цієї категорії: Helmets

Шлем десантника 6Б28 Шлем защитный мягкий 6Б36 "Altyn" helmet (WIP) 6Б6 Шлем ЗШ-1
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