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Plate Carrier BNZ-M (6B46), Syrian digital camouflage.

Plate Carrier BNZ-M (6B46), Syrian digital camouflage.

Plate Carrier BNZ-M (6B46), Syrian digital camouflage.

Plate Carrier BNZ-M (6B46), Syrian digital camouflage.

Plate Carrier BNZ-M (6B46), Syrian digital camouflage.

не зазначені

The BNZ program was carried out through government contractor Techinkom out of Saint Petersburg, with the goal of designing a more lightweight alternative to the standard body armor systems, for use by military intelligence and command units. 6B46 sacrifices total coverage of soft body armor, only offering front and back plate protection, however is much more lightweight and modular. It can be configured as a full plate carrier, front carrier only, or chestrig with no ballistic protection.

This example is a new, modernised variant incorporating central opening, velcro for ID on the back panel, and slimline shoulders.
This specimen is in the latest camouflage designed for use in the Syrian conflict.
Автор: Lluís Pérez Expósito

Ще з цієї категорії: Бронежилети

Загальновійськовий бронежилет 6Б11 Збройних сил РФ. Бронекомплект "Забрало" Единый общевойсковой бронежилет 6Б45 Бронежилет 6Б12-4 общевойсковой основной дифференцированно усиленный III уровня защиты Standard Military Armor Vest 6B-12 Russian Federation Armed Forces Защитный комплект для экипажей бронированных машин 6Б48 «Ратник-ЗК» ВС России

Статті на тему: Бронежилети

Схема розміщення титанових пластин загальновійськового бронежилета 6Б3ТМ

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