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451. Air Force

452. 550th Parachutist infantry regiment( obsolute)

453. 515th Parachutist Infantry Regiment ( obsolute)

454. 505th Parachutist infantry regiment ( 2version)

455. 517th Parachutist infantry Regiment

456. 47th Engineer battalion

457. 101st Airborne division aviation

458. 555th Parachutist infantry regiment ( obsolute)

459. 407th Supply and transportation battalion ( part of 82 Abn div)

460. 503rd Military police MP battalion( airborne) part of 16th MP bde

461. 544th Field artillery battalion (obsoluye) part of 11th Abn Div

462. 426th Signal battalion( airborne) part of 35th Signal bde( Abn)

463. 87th infantry regiment( mountain) part of 10 Mountain Division

464. 82nd Airborne Division support battalion

465. 229th Aviation group

466. Paratrooper garrison cap badge( obsolute)

467. Joint Communications support element ( Airborne)

468. 327th parachutist Infantry Regiment recon unit ( obsolute)

469. 401st Glider Infantry Regiment

470. 278th Armor regiment Tennessee Army National Guard

471. WW2 paratrooper

472. 714th Tank battalion( airborne)obsolute

473. 704th Tank battalion

474. 709th Tank battalion

475. 39th transportation battalion

476. 563rd Support battalion

477. Officiers hat badge

478. 716th Military Police battalion

479. Signal battalion of 82nd Airborne Division

480. 24th Infantry Division( obsolute) ~1950-60

481. 82nd Airborne Division Military Intelligence unit( obsolute)

482. 89th Field Artillery of 11th Airborne division( obsolute)

483. 1st Airborne Allies Command ( obsolute)

484. Airborne Command ( obsolute)

485. 25th Medical detachment of 82nd Airborne Division( Vietnam war )

486. 85th Infantry regiment( Mountain)

487. 50th Infantry regiment

488. 61st Infantry regiment

489. 11th Infantry regiment

490. 14th Infantry regiment

491. 16th Infantry regiment

492. 18th Infantry regiment

493. 19th Infantry regiment

494. 38th Infantry regiment

495. 5th Infantry regiment

496. 160th Infantry regiment

497. 180th Infantry regiment

498. 299th Infantry regiment

499. 338th Infantry regiment

500. 395th Infantry regiment

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