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Нарукавный знак Командования воздушно-космической обороны Североамериканского континента

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On a dark blue shield with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) yellow border 2 ½ inches (6.35 cm) in width and 3 inches (7.32 cm) in height a pair of silver gray wings displayed enfolding a light green demi-globe issuing from base with yellow gridlines and bearing the yellow landmasses of North America. In pale a silver gray sword with a scarlet hilt and in chief, two yellow lightning bolts radiating from either side of the sword blade.

The defense of North American Continent is the responsibility of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, along with our Canadian allies. Together, they comprise this unified and bi-national command, NORAD. The Army element of NORAD is highlighted by the landmass. The wings enfold the globe to symbolize protection and defense by the unified command. The sword represents armed defense and readiness. The lightning bolts denote the decisive striking power that NORAD is prepared to use against any aggressor.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 3 October 2003.

Еще из категории: Нарукавные знаки Альфа Подразделения

Нарукавный знак Межвидового командования материально-технического обеспечения Нарукавный знак Многонациональных сил в Ираке Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention Force. Alpha Unit. US Army Нарукавный знак Военной миссии США в Москве (СССР) Army Reserve Medical Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army
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