Всемирная военная энциклопедия
> Нашивки
> Нарукавные нашивки Сухопутных войск
> Медицинские подразделения
> US-PTMED-00027
Нарукавный знак Европейского медицинского командования СВ США
Управление мед. войск Южного военного округа Израиля
42nd Tank battalion
151st Engineer battalion
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On a maroon octagon 2 1/4 inches (5.72 cm) in height and 2/14 inches (5.72 cm) in width a white Maltese cross with a white square at its center charged with a blue five-pointed star with one point up.
White and maroon are the colors of the Medical Department. The Maltese cross is a symbol which has been associated with medicine since medieval times as an emblem of the Knights Hospitallers. The octagon is symbolic of health and regeneration, and the star alludes to the command function.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 6 May 1970. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-538)
On a maroon octagon 2 1/4 inches (5.72 cm) in height and 2/14 inches (5.72 cm) in width a white Maltese cross with a white square at its center charged with a blue five-pointed star with one point up.
White and maroon are the colors of the Medical Department. The Maltese cross is a symbol which has been associated with medicine since medieval times as an emblem of the Knights Hospitallers. The octagon is symbolic of health and regeneration, and the star alludes to the command function.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 6 May 1970. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-538)